Saturday, July 12, 2008

I've Moved!

Ha, you probably think I mean I’ve moved up to Vermont. If you’re a regular here though, you’ll know that’s impossible. I’ve changed servers. I decided to move to WordPress. It’s a bit easier to use, and I like this layout better. I’m still working out some kinks, but things should be up and running smoothly soon.

The new blog link is:

Marblehead with Fred

Hey everyone! I hope your weekend is going well. I have a Talky Blog for y'all. You get to see a little bit inside the camp. No campers. That'd be illegal I think. Anyway, yesterday Fred and I ventured around a bit. Of course, I had the Flip!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

One Week Done (Almost...)

Tomorrow is the last day of the first week of Tower. As much as I wanted it to be here, now I want it to be over. Yet, I know as soon as it is, I'll be sad. This is most likely my last year there, and it's gonna be sad saying goodbye to so many people for what will probably be the last time. I've got a little bit of footage on the Flip, but not enough to edit together yet. When I get some more, I'll put it together and post it. Bye for now!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Arts at Tower - Take One

Today was the first day of camp. Holy shit it was exhausting. I can't even believe it. I'm glad I got a good night's sleep last night. Travel with me to and from camp:

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Terrifying Video of the Week

If Carol Channing frightens you, then do not watch this:

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Stars and Stripes Forever

Hey bloggers! Enjoy this Talky Blog that includes some fireworks at the end!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Hi everyone! I hope everyone's holiday was great. My parents and I were supposed to go down to my aunt's house today for her annual cookout, but she decided to re-schedule it for Sunday due to the mediocre weather. I was going to go up to Swampscott last night to go to their fireworks, but, once again, the weather wasn't on my side so I decided against it. I'm going over to my grandparents' apartment later tonight to watch the Boston fireworks from their balcony. I'm gonna bring my Flip cam. Hopefully I'll capture a classic grandparents moment. Right now, I'm watching Jeopardy! and loving it. Check back tomorrow for a Talky Blog.